
Newsletter Subscription

November 2017

Namaste   The end of the year is fast approaching. Thanks to all the students for your dedication to the subject and for supporting the Yoga Room. The Yoga Room will be closed during the break between Christmas and New Year. See the Timetable page for full...

August 2017

Namaste   Many thanks to Gulnaaz Dashti for her insight and wisdom in the workshop she conducted at the Yoga Room at the end of April.   The main article in this newsletter is the second in the series taking a deeper look at the yogic philosophy as outlined...

March 2017

Namaste   The Yoga Room is excited to host a Weekend Workshop with Gulnaaz Dashti. Gulnaaz is as close as you can get to the teaching from the Iyengar Institute without making the trip to India. She has studied directly under BKS, Geeta and Prashant Iyengar for...

December 2015

Christmas is almost here…   In the busyness of this time of the year it is wonderful to see so many students embracing the challenge of the early morning yoga intensive. There are many ways of progressing the practice of yoga and in this month’s newsletter we...

November 2015

“The Only Thing that is Constant is Change -” Heraclitus   Those of you who are coming to the Yoga Room regularly are aware of the many changes. Along with the personal changes associated with the ongoing practice there is the evolution of the space we are...

June 2015

We have a challenge for you this month. Every day, stop for 5 minutes and contemplate the following quote ‘I am not a human having a spiritual experience, I am spirit having a human experience’. You can do it while you’re on a bus, or waiting for an appointment, or...

May 2015

We’re a quarter of the way through 2015, and progress is evident. The endangered southern resident community of orcas appears to be thriving in the waters around the San Juan Islands. Baby tortoises have been found on Galápagos island for the first time in a century,...

February 2015

When the Ho Ho Ho of the Christmas season, becomes the ‘Ho Hum’ of ‘business as usual’, it’s time to remember our new year’s resolution! February is the month to anchor our ambitions for 2015. This newsletter is all about expanding our energy to reach new heights!...

December 2014

Kids writing wish lists to Santa, adults writing new-year’s resolutions. Decorations adorn houses, and celebrations are in full swing. Thank you to all our students and teachers for your ongoing support. Your progressive insights through yoga inspire us. It’s been an...

November 2014

Blink and it’s already November! Time goes so fast and life is so short, rising above distractions is vital. Actively putting time aside for our health and well-being is essential at this time of the year. The summer yoga intensive starts in a couple of weeks, a...

October 2014

My Aunty used to say to me, "When you’re young you want time to go faster, and when you get older, you want time to slow down". The older I get the more I realise my aunt’s very wise words. This year has flown! Perhaps you’ll get a new perspective of yoga and time...

September 2014

After a historically significant time in India, Maurice has now resumed teaching at the Yoga Room. He was there during the passing of BKS Iyengar (Guruji), and took part in the traditional ceremonies that marked the end of an era.   Spring is here, and signs of...

Contact Us Today!


Unit 2/40 George Street East, Burleigh Heads (walk through the carport and up the stairs)

Make an Appointment

0438 837 244

Open Hours

Monday - Friday: 7am - 7pm

However, these hours are flexible according to your needs. Contact the Yoga Room to arrange your initial consultation or on-going session.