When the Ho Ho Ho of the Christmas season, becomes the ‘Ho Hum’ of ‘business as usual’, it’s time to remember our new year’s resolution! February is the month to anchor our ambitions for 2015. This newsletter is all about expanding our energy to reach new heights!
Video Asana of the Month – Backbends
Article of the Month – Energy Fluctuations
Question of the Month – What is Pranayama?
Autumn Yoga Intensive – 9th to 28th March, 2015 (exc.15th & 22nd)
Bali Yoga Retreat – 15th to 27th June 2015
Yoga Students “off the mat” – Branka Doncevska
Patanjali Yoga Sutra of the month
Quote of the Month
Previous newsletters
Yoga asana video of the month – Backbends
This is a video of BKS Iyengar practicing his backbends. Filmed in 1991- he was 73 years old!
Click here to see this amazing man.
Article of the Month – Energy Fluctuations
Daniela Casotti
To bring about lasting positive change, we must break negative patterns, and transform the energy that creates them. This is easier said than done! On the bright side, through their exploration of mind, body and breath, ancient yogis discovered how human energy works, shedding light on how negative and positive patterns are formed. Pranamaya Kosha, a sanskrit term used for our body of energy, holds the key.
Pranamaya Kosha is a complex organization of action and reaction, which operates similarly to wind currents and electricity. One of its aspects is ‘vayus’, which literally means ‘wind’. Made up of five different forms, vayus can only be recognised by what they accomplish. Like wind, they move in different directions depending on the location they influence.
Prana Vayu (depicted in green). The word Prana is broadly used to define energy. One aspect of Prana is prana vayu. Without it, all the other vayus are inoperable. It is stored in the heart, and governs the heartbeat. It directs everything from the upper abdomen to the base of the throat, and moves in an upward direction. It controls our body temperature, and sustains our vital organs. It absorbs and delegates nutrients from the food and liquids we take in. It allows information to be received by our five senses.
Apana Vayu (depicted in pink) governs the lower abdominal region, and has a current that flows downwards from the navel to the pelvic floor. It is stored in the anus. It is the force behind the elimination of toxins. It looks after the kidneys, colon, rectum, bladder and genitals. Fertility depends on it, as does the birthing process. If it’s not working properly we lack motivation and determination. Confusion and indecisiveness reign.
Samana Vayu (depicted in yellow). Stored in the navel, it forms a band that moves sideways between the navel and the heart. It balances and unifies the opposite forces of prana vayu and apana vayu. It is the “digestive fire”. Whilst Prana Vayu absorbs and delegates nutrients to different areas of the body, Samana vayu separates the nutritious from the toxic. It also manages the absorption of oxygen. If it’s faulty, we experience shortness of breath and gastric disorders. Mentally, Samana Vayu integrates information coming in from our five senses, influencing our decision making process.
Udana (depicted in blue). Stored in the throat, it governs the head, and co-ordinates muscle function in our limbs. It is associated with sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system. It moves in a downward spiralling action in the limbs, and an upward spiralling action in the head. It generates strength, regulates growth and determines balance. It facilitates enthusiasm and will. It influences the articulation of ideas and how they are expressed in the form speech.
Vyana vayu infuses the whole body. Centrally located it moves in an outward direction to the periphery of the body. It coordinates and connects. The functioning of the nerves, veins, muscles, joints and the circulation of nutrients and energy depend on it. It can be felt in the skin, in the form of goose bumps, perspiration, rashes etc. It has a unifying force. When unstable, coordination between mind and body suffers, our ability to focus is reduced and our thoughts become disjointed.
Pranamaya Kosha (our body of energy) is a strong force that needs close supervision. It follows our instructions, whether they are conscious or unconscious, positive or negative. We can train it to be peaceful or erratic. Yoga helps us to consciously control and cultivate Pranamaya Kosha, pointing us in the direction of progress. Proper Asana, pranayama, correct relaxation, and meditation, cleanse and filter our energy, culminating in evolution.
Question of the Month – What is Pranayama?
Daniela Casotti
Prana animates us. It is the force that drives us. It motivates movement, thoughts, learning and creativity. It’s the ‘pep’ and the ‘get up and go’. It is present in every cell of our body. It is always working, and is in constant flux. Pranayama is the process of extending and spreading Prana, whilst managing its fluctuations. Pranayama practice is usually done through a variety of yogic breathing techniques. Specific techniques purify, regulate, cultivate stabilize and direct Prana for the purpose of health, and ultimately enlightenment.
Before starting, it’s important to be in tune with our energy patterns. Expanding our awareness beyond muscle usage while we practice asana, into what actually energizes our body, can tell us a lot about our energy. Watching how our breath gets affected by different postures will show us how the energy body fluctuates. Holding postures can teach us how to ‘tame’ our energy. Without this understanding, pranayama can actually hinder our growth.
There are three aspects to Pranayama: the external breath (rechaka), the internal breath (pooraka) and the balanced state in between the two (kumbhaka). In the practice of pranayama, rechaka, pooraka and kumbhaka, are controlled and regulated by space, time and number. Kumbhaka is said to increase the life-span of an individual.
Pranayama helps to break habits. It transforms negative qualities in positive qualities in the practice of yama and niyama. It enhances vigour and vitality. It facilitates the concentration process in meditation and ultimately it connects us with cosmic energy.
2015 Autumn Yoga Intensive
Yes! The autumn intensive is here again. Three weeks of concentrated effort to pep you up and bring focus to your strengths. It’s a great incentive to re-assess where you’re at, both on the mat and off the mat. Maurice’s energy packed intensives are just what’s needed to boost your inner resolutions. Reawaken, Re-evaluate and get ready for the Resurgence this intensive will inspire. See you there.
When: 9th to 28th March, 2015 exc.15th & 22nd
Time: 6am to 7.30am Monday to Saturday
Where: Yoga Room, Burleigh Heads
Price: $295
Book now to secure your place. Email us or call 0438 8372 244
2015 Bali Yoga Retreat
Book your holidays this year to include 15 – 27th June. By then you’ll need a reminder that your life is yours for the taking! A retreat with Maurice and Daniela in the stunning setting of Bali will enhance your commitment to health, well-being and inner peace.

view of Bloody Bay at sunset
This year our Bali retreat will take you to two locations. To unwind from our daily routine, we start at Mushroom Bay, connecting with paradise. Then we move on to Sidemen- Bali’s beauty at its best. From the beach to the mountains, simplifying and re-connecting with your essence.
Maurice is a certified Iyengar teacher, with more than 20 years of experience. He is dedicated and down to earth, with a sense of humor that will inspire you to connect with your inner strengths. Daniela has over 15 years of yoga experience, and focuses on the restorative power of yoga. She is dedicated and supportive. Her light and fun approach inspires you to connect with your inner authenticity. The teachers work together to bring back balance and harmony.
When: 15th – 27th June 2015
Where: Nusa Lembongan & Sideman, Bali
Price: Full Price $2,090 Shared or $2,390 Single
Price Includes:
– 10 days yoga tuition
– 6 nights accom. with breakfast
– 6 nights accom. with all meals
– 2 group vegetarian buffets
– Land and sea transfers
Note: Airfares are not included in the price.
Book now to secure your place. Email us or call 0438 8372 244
Our Yoga Students “off the mat” – Featuring Branka
In this new section of the newsletter we plan to introduce Yoga Room students showcasing some of the amazing things they do off-the-mat and encourage you, where possible, to support their endeavours. This month we are excited to introduce Branka.
Branka has been a student at the Yoga Room for nearly 4 years. She’s an amazing artist, and dedicated to living life authentically. True to her inspiring comment ‘Love is my Economy’, she works with what she loves. She has hand printed her intricate work on recycled T.Shirts, and is selling them on-line, as well as at the Currumban Sanctuary Markets. To see them and her other amazing talents – visit her website: my arty freind. Her T.Shirts are truly spectacular!
Patanjali Yoga Sutra of the month
???????????????????????? ???????????
Chapter 2 Verse 51
v?hy?bhyantaravi?ay?k?ep? caturtha?||51||
“The fourth type of pranayama transcends the external and internal pranayamas, and appears effortless and non-deliberate.”
BKS Iyengar. Light on the yoga sutras of Patanjali Pg 157.
Quote of the month
“Without peace, we are in pieces ”
BKS Iyengar
Daniela and Maurice
Yoga Room Burleigh Heads
+61 438 837 244